Strategy and what's next?
6 grudnia 2024 08:45:00
Discussion session
Strategies, plans - we create them sometimes with some effort, invite a team, identify stakeholders, consume time and often money to create a document called "strategy for the organization for years...." And then what? How does this document "work" in the organization? What can it be used for? Is the effort put into its creation commensurate with the attention given to the implementation of the strategy? During the session we will look at the successes and challenges of strategy implementation, we will look for the answer to the question "what is the strategy for?". Or will we examine when is it best to create it? Right at the beginning, or perhaps on the organization's round birthday?
I invite you to reflect and bring your stories to this session.

Jolanta Woźnicka
For more than 25 years I have worked at the OPUS Center Association, of which I am vice president. We support informal groups, NGOs and communities in action. Over the years of working in the NGO sector, I have been mainly involved in coordinating project activities and activating local communities and groups. I enjoy planning and creating new structures. Since 2017 I have been working as a tutor in the PAFF Leaders Program. I have worked with leaders of NGOs and public institutions, people with different leadership goals. In my work in the local environment, it is important for me to have dialogue and connect different communities. I look for connections between organizations, individuals, institutions. I enjoy networking and cooperation for a common goal. I enjoy the daily rhythm of the city and beach vacations.