From diagnosis to strategy: how to use research and data in strategic planning?
6 grudnia 2024 08:45:00
presentation and discussion session
In this session, we want to talk about how to use research and data in strategic planning. When working strategically at the Shipyard Foundation, we usually put quite a lot of work into the diagnostic stage. We organize workshops with the team, invite experts, conduct interviews with stakeholders, review available data and literature, sometimes we even conduct dedicated social research. We believe that the effort put in at this stage pays off - it makes strategic decisions more informed and simply better. Such a diagnosis helps to look at the problem with fresh eyes and, in the search for solutions, not to be limited to the beaten path - a good diagnosis can shift the organization to a whole new track.
At the same time, using research and data usually means a lot of extra work and additional costs. We know from experience that not everyone can afford it and the effort and money put in do not always translate into important strategic decisions. In our work, we look for answers to the question of how much time, effort and expense is worth investing in diagnosis and how best to use these inputs.
During the session we will talk about our experiences and thoughts and invite discussion. We will consider what is the place of diagnosis in the strategic process, how much input to allocate to it and how best to use it.

Łukasz Ostrowski
Sociologist by education, social researcher and evaluator by profession. She has been working at the Shipyard Foundation since 2010, most recently as Director of Research Quality. In her work, she supports community organizations in planning and implementing useful social research and evaluation. She helps create assumptions for social programs and leads strategic planning processes. Co-author of the guidebooks: "Evaluation. How to do it?", "How to evaluate a participatory (civic) budget?", "Do it yourself. How to become a community researcher?", "From diagnosis to strategy: participatory planning of public services in local governments".

Maciej Onyszkiewicz
Sociologist, she has been working at the Shipyard Foundation since 2017. She is a specialist in social research and strategic consulting. She has experience in conducting research projects for NGOs, public institutions and in the business sector. He advises organizations in planning the strategy of the entire organization, its specific departments and individual projects. He has worked for, among others, the Campaign Against Homophobia and WWF Poland. As a trainer, he passes on his knowledge and experience, conducting training for NGOs in, among other things, the development of project change theory and evaluation . He is co-author of the publication "Evaluation. How is it done? - A guide for programs of the Polish-American Freedom Foundation and other social programs" and "Practical Dilemmas. A subjective guide to evaluation of social micro-innovations".