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What can be done to make strategy by people and not by the organization?

6 grudnia 2024 10:45:00

Experience sharing session

Often we hear that an organization has developed its strategy of operation. It is then worth asking ourselves: who is this "organization"? The language we use can sometimes give the impression that an organization is something separate from its members, from its team. But after all, it is the people who give shape to the organization and decide its further development, and it is the people behind its strategy. They are the ones who, in the course of meetings, analysis and exchange of experiences, discussions on topics important to them, jointly work out plans for the future.

Ideally, strategic planning brings together people who care about the future of the organization and want to co-create it. For them, it's not just an action plan - it's also their future, their decisions and their responsibility.

 In this session: - we will look at strategic planning as an element of organizational culture, - we will consider how to make the statement "the organization is first and foremost people" a reality in the strategic planning process, we will talk about what makes people feel really involved in the planning process and identify with the developed strategy and identify with the vision, mission and goals outlined in it, - we will share experiences about how to organize the planning process so that each person can feel that his or her voice is heard and considered important.  - There will also be an opportunity to share experiences on how to deal with a variety of often difficult situations that challenge the strategic planning process.

Join us and together let's seek answers to the above questions!

Katarzyna Sekutowicz

Cultural anthropologist, evaluator, researcher, trainer. Since 1992 she has been associated with the BORIS Association. Supervisor of the NGO Training Association sTOP, member of the Association Center for Supporting Local Activity CAL.
She supports in the development of leaders and local leaders, NGOs, informal groups and social movements, as well as local government institutions such as libraries, schools, social welfare centers and community centers. Conducts consulting, workshops and long-term development-planning processes based on dialogue and participation. She specializes in strategic planning, project method work, adult learning methodologies, implementation of equal opportunities policy, evaluation.
Author and co-author of such publications as "Strategic planning in culture "Evaluation and monitoring", in Knowledge and experience, "Anti-discrimination education. A Trainer's Handbook," "Socialized Evaluation in Social Animation and Community Work."
In addition to evaluation, she creates paintings based on the vedic art method and travels.... with the greatest pleasure in Asia.

Agata Urbanik

Facilitator, trainer and supervisor. Associate of the Nansen Center for Peace and Dialogue, member and supervisor of the NGO Trainers Association. She runs the Facilitation Ambulance Service. For more than a dozen years she has been working with social organizations, public institutions and informal initiatives.
She specializes in strategic facilitation. She designs and leads participatory processes, in which she works closely with groups to create space for good conversation and achieving set goals. Her area of special interest is creating dialogic situations.

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